Confidence and Comfort-

Because You Deserve Both

Comfort and Privacy for Every Procedure

Ultra-Secure &


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What is it?

Ultra secure and hygenic medical procedure protection garment that allows patients to undergo hyper intrusive procedures.

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Why Our Garments Are So Special?

The medical procedure protection garment is made with a polypropylene 50 GSM material which is breathable, flexible, and resiliant against fluids.

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How It Works?

The best practice is for the practitioner to enter the access area without unvieling the private or intimate portion of the body.

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TNT Medical Procedure Protective Garment Benefits

TNT makes an ultra secure and ultra hygenic hospital garment that allows patients to undergo hyper intrusive procedure with pride and dignity.

  • Encourages patients privacy and the fabric is skin-friendly
  • Easy for practitioners to manuveur
  • Made of non-toxic and durable material

Your Comfort,

Our Priority

TNT Garments were made for one reason: To give you hope and peace as you undergo a procedure that requires a lot of vulnerability.

Watch how it works